About Anita

Anita Raviele Headshot

I have been in the field of spiritual consciousness my whole adult life, even before.  As a child I had vague memories of other lives, but I didn’t know what it was. As a teenager, I was a seeker and visited many houses of worship to see if what they had to offer was any different than my Catholic upbringing.  I studied books on human consciousness and unconditional love.

It wasn’t until I was in college and was introduced to Transcendental Meditation that I felt I was on the right track. Out of college I was suffering from a lot of anxiety. I heard that yoga was helpful so I went to a class the YWCA. There was no turning back.  Something was calling me, and I had to follow it.

Have you ever done something because you just knew or sensed it was the right thing to do?

As I studied yoga and yoga philosophy I also learned about a healthier way of eating which I later went on to share with others. As a child I was always interested in the mystical, and I continued to pursue that in the form of psychic training and crystal healing as an adult. I quickly became an expert in crystal healing and trained with a well-known teacher at the time.

During a pivotal trip to Sedona I channeled intuitive information on how each crystal and rock heals, which still helps people today in my private sessions with clients.

In Sedona I met my whole team of Spirit Guides.  I saw a bleacher filled with them!  I channeled much information from these special beings.  They told me my purpose and what I needed to do to best proceed in my life.  It was one of the most mystical experiences of my life.

I began teaching classes in yoga, crystal healing, developing intuition and nutrition for health and beauty.  It was fun to be on the radio and TV for my work with crystals and the “New Age” movement that was budding in the 1980’s.

Despite how easily things came to me and initial success, I wasn’t sure I could make a living doing this kind work, so I went to massage school.

Have you ever felt that it wasn’t safe to be yourself?

That’s how it was for me.

Upon graduation, I took a position at one of the most prestigious spa resorts in the country.  During that time I continued to study, becoming a Reiki Master and training in various forms of healing and energy application, including dowsing with a pendulum, as well as honing my intuitive skills.

I have been working with dislodging old patterns and thought forms for many years. I have been able to consolidate that knowledge into an effective model to remove those inhibiting patterns for good by accessing the Akashic Records and with the assistance of Transformative Dowsing©.